Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Workshop Apron Sewing For Blokes. I'm Just A Guy That Wants To Sew, Where Do I Start?

Sewing for Blokes. I'm just a guy that wants to sew, where do I start? - workshop apron

I ordered a new Singer sewing machine should arrive next week. Its main function is to my own curtains (my windows are measures of the foreigner and the type of person I am tinkering), but simple things) are also plans for other (tablecloths, napkins and aprons workshop. Where can I get technical advice on the sewing machine and other ideas of things to do? All posts on this topic are in pink and baby.


Kat said... ...

Here is a site that offers projects that are not baby, are things more convenient. Things that you can use. Wallets, canvas bags, cell phone holder ... Not for many other things, but not less

i'm owned said...

Contact the local handicraft shops - Joanne fabrics, Michael, Moore, CA tasting. Sometimes he will lead the classes. Or you can use your local college. If a local school, teachers are for the summer, but you may be able to get a home EC teacher name, and ask for lessons.

If you are in the local artisans with a variety of books and sample pounds. You should be able to find in them something that suit your style. Remember to check the design of the question without the material and select the material / design-use model. To choose brown instead of pink navy, etc.

Good luck.

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